Frequently asked questions on hypnotherapy

What is the difference between our conscious and subconscious minds?

The conscious mind is like the judgmental/evaluating system/part of our mind that we use actively every day when we make decisions based on our emotions. The subconscious or unconscious minds the part of our mind that is responsible for our stored believes (beliefs), emotions and habits that come up automatically without us knowing about it consciously.

Why do most people have a negative reaction to the word "hypnotherapy"?

Because they think offstage shows they have seen live or on TV. Stage shows are generally seen to take away the control of the person. Hypnotherapists are very different to stage-hypnotists and cannot make people do they do not want to do! The stage-hypnotist does not have to adhere to a certain code of ethics whereas hypnotherapist does!

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How and why does it work?

Hypnotherapy works swell because it addresses the greater part of our mind- the subconscious (more recently referred to as the unconscious). As soon as our brain is relaxed our conscious mind relaxes and the subconscious mind is more alert and receptive. Everything the client wants to change is worked into the session. With help of guided visualization techniques the client is shown how to change negative habits into positive behaviors and thought patterns. The mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and fiction which means once the subconscious mind has visualized the new behavior it believes that it can always achieve it again.

Why is it so powerful?

The positive suggestions I am giving the client are stored in the subconscious mind and automatically come to the fore in daily living. The suggestions are accepted much more readily when they come from the subconscious, than if we speak to the conscious mind. When I for instance tell the subconscious mind that there will beano craving for a cigarette or cake the subconscious stores that new belief which will come up after the session and the cravings disappear. Generally this happens easily and without much effort. It is important that the suggestions used in therapy are agreed to with the clients, as without their buy-in, the suggestions have less impact. At the end of the day, the client is in control of the process, making it a personal journey

How often should one have to do it?

I see client’s about4-6 times depending on the changes we have to work through.

Is it safe?

Yes, it is a very gentle and safe therapy. I work closely with my client and during the sessions and they donor have to sleep or be in a trance-like state which means that the client is always in control. I am bound to the ethical code of conduct, everything the client tells me and we work through is treated strictly confidential. Generally everyone can be hypnotized and the person feels relaxed while I do all the talking.

What are some of the results you have had with some of your clients?

I have helped numerous clients to stop smoking, lose weight by not having cravings anymore, combat anxiety and panic attacks, fight depression or stress and insomnia. Common results are that my clients learn to control their minds better, think positively, feel in control over their lives and are motivated to change negative habits. Generally all my clients feel a boost of energy because they are able to sleep better and feel more confident. I also specialize in helping athletes, peddlers, like gymnasts, cyclists, tennis, players, swimmers and many more, increase their performance levels. I have helped many athletes achieve top results at World and European Championships, Nationals, the Disband many other events. All of my clients agreed that learning to control their mind helped them achieve more than they ever anticipated. Recently three of my athletes competed in the BMX World Championships, finishing in third and first places.

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