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Louise Emond
Louise Emond
We are very grateful for all that Neurofeedback has brought into Keva’s life and believe it has hugely assisted in her accomplishment she has achieved in her skating as well as assisting her to get through all the academic hurdles she has experienced.

Veronique Ellis
Veronique Ellis
"With Neurofeedback and mental training I managed to overcome mental blocks, increased my performance level tremendously and performed better than ever before."

"I have taken my daughter for neuro feedback for the past few months and it has helped her tremendously. Within three weeks of her attending the sessions her teacher noticed a difference in concentration levels at school. She started paying more attention and focusing better on her work. Her attitude at home was better as well as she was always in a more pleasant frame of mind. It has given her a lot of confidence and she recently received a merit badge at school for completing all her work in class on time. It was a very non-invasive and pleasant way, especially for her, getting to watch movies twice a week, to assist with her concentration. It has most certainly helped her and personally I would recommend this to other children who are suffering with the same problem." - Jane Doe

"Thanks to EQ-Advantedge my brain training has helped me survive one of the toughest weeks. I've managed to re-live Daryl's accident and say goodbye to Shan and J with such ease and calmness.. not to mention while training really hard and having a scare with our unborn pups.. I went into this therapy at a breaking point in my life with complete trust and not knowing what to expect on 14th August. Just 2 months later my life has been transformed. I have hardly any stress anymore am as calm as a butterfly, don't overthink anymore and can focus clearly.. my brain is processing beautifully. It truly is a state of the art alternative therapy that I would recommend to anyone suffering from trauma anxiety stress depression sleep deprivation non focus and non-motivation. A saving grace and miracle in my life.. thank you so much Natalie Fourie for giving me back my muchness #neurofeedback." - Alloutte Mendes

"I see lots of progress with her – she is more verbal, and if you listen very closely and intently, you can make out what she is trying to say or saying .I also have noticed greatly that she is more receptive to instructions, whereas before she would blatantly ignore – she has listened to what I have said (stop pulling my hair, stop pinching me, don’t scream at me) and has taken what I have said, and processed it, and her response has been in line with what she has been asked – very sweet and lovely to see her more in control of how she feels and responds. Previously she was not able, at all to get a happy balance when it comes to temperature change in the pool – it would elicit a meltdown almost instantly. Now, I will tell her the pool is cold, but you said that you wanted to swim with your sister, so you decided that you wanted to do this. Her sister will have her on her knee and splash her with water to get her used to it, and she will give very “cold gasps” and heavy breaths, but its almost likes s in control of her body, and knows it is cold, then deals with it, and then carries on – as we all do in the pool – which has been noticed by all of us at home, and friends and family who knew previously how she would spin out of control." - Paula Fisher

"Thank you for giving us our precious girl back. We have struggled for years with various kinds of therapy and medication to help her with her concentration, anxiety and processing issues and have failed at every turn. Coming to EQ-Advant-Edge was a last ditch attempt to find something that may help her. I wish we had found you first. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. The best solution ever, EQ-Advantage changed our lives. I have a happy, medication free teenager. I would recommend this treatment over any other for concentration, anxiety and stress." - Erica Wynter

"This is one of the lesser sung heroes when it comes to therapies that really work. Both Neurofeedback and Hypnotherapy have been so powerfully effective for me, where I imagine other therapists may be quick to medicate. Andrea's array of expertise comes highly recommended." - Karis Leigh

"I can highly recommend EQ Advantedge. My whole family as well as my staff members have seen huge benefits from the treatments received from Andrea and her team. Thank you." - Arlette MacManus

"I was frozen... depressed. anxious. stressed. unhappy... there was no happiness or joy in my life... until I found EQ... and Andrea Kellerman... l now am living a peaceful magnificent magical exciting and joyous life... my soul has been healed.. and guess what no pills.. anti depressants.. no medication... so with all my love.. thank you.... I am now unfrozen and free." - Arlene Pooley

For more information on our brain and mind training visit: www.eq-advantedge.co.za


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"I just want to thank the staff, doing the training, for a pleasant environment they gave the children that Charlie enjoyed and looked forward going back to every morning. I can see already a change in Charlie's communication skills and how he handles problem situations. He also tells his friends every afternoon when he gets home what he has learned and what the "teacher" taught him to with bullies at school" – Pieter Blatt

"Kevin has always been a happy and friendly person; and managed to project an outer show of confidence, but being the youngest in a large family is not always easy. During this course I have seen an inner confidence emerging in the way he is able to show his feelings and why others might react in certain ways. He has learnt to view situations from a different perspective and to communicate his ideas with confidence in himself." – Clair Dyer

"Luke has loved the course. It has been very beneficial for him." – Micayla Pedler

"Zowe has thoroughly loved the course. She looks forward to attending the class each day and comes home with interesting info, which she shares with us, from explaining emotions, identifying feelings and even teaching us calming and relaxing exercises" - Craig

"Philippa has had a good time and has been given useful information to use in Daily life"

"My 3 children thoroughly enjoyed the course and have learned a lot from this"- Prakesh

"I sent my son to this holiday club to help him learn to deal with his emotions-mainly fear and anxiety. After just a week, I could see how he's grown in confidence, understands his emotions and can now deal with them all" –Johanna

"I would recommend this to my friends. I had fun, enjoyed myself and learned a lot! I learned how to be responsible for myself, how to make friends, learned how to deal with my problems and understand my emotions" – Brinley

"Bethany enjoyed her AdvantEdge experience! She particularly valued the session on bullying and dealing with difficult days at school! Thank you for an empowering experience!" – Cindy

"Sean enjoyed the course and surprisingly didn't complain or resist going daily, even though it meant waking up earlier in the holidays. He enjoyed the material and made a few friends in the process" – Lin

"My daughter THOROUGHLY enjoyed the course. I looked through her notes and was really impressed with the subject matter - very well chosen and age appropriate, I think she really benefited from it." Thembi

"My daughter is using the "stop, think, act" exercise the whole time. It helped her not to react impulsively and to think before she gets upset unnecessarily. What a great course." Lu E.

"The relaxation exercises make me feel calm and happy; I use them all the time." Moses (9)

"My daughter practices her self-relaxation skills almost every night now. I'm very impressed!" Hayley

"My son is able to sleep at night now. He was so anxious before and learned the skills to calm himself down now. The relaxation exercises are really good. Thank you, what a change!" Thuli

"My mom isn't allowed to buy Coke anymore, because I learned about all the sugar in it." Rebecca (6)

"When my mom was angry, I told her that I had learned to Stop, Think and then Act." Jared (12)

"I learned what a good friend is and how to act out what I feel in a controlled and calm way." David (11)

"The children who did the EQ course benefited tremendously from it. They can control their emotions much better and act more maturely. They have a greater understanding of how they can react in a better way. I can see a big change in them when I have them in my classroom." Gr. 3 teacher, Pinetown.

"I sent Jayson to this holiday club to help him learn to deal with his emotions – mainly fear & anxiety. After just a week I could see how he's grown in confidence and understands his emotions a lot better & can now deal with them all"


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John Ellis
John Ellis
"Mental training helped me incredibly. I was able to break new records, cancel out pain and better my times consistently."

Leanne's story...

Andrew Birkett
Andrew Birkett
Duzi winner 2010, 2011 & 2012 "The mental training helped me incredibly. I wouldn't have been able to win without it."

Sharlene McGilvray
Sharlene McGilvray
"The peak performance training helped me incredibly. Without it I wouldn’t have won the BMX World Championships in 2010. I would recommend it to any athlete who wants to gain an EDGE over their competition."

"I have seen both Jenna and Andrea over a 2 year period and my personal transformation has been nothing short of astounding. I can highly recommend them both." - Gary Gould

"Thank you EQ!!! I am more confident and my business is more successful thanks to the assistance I received in visualising and achieving my goals. The combination of neurofeedback and hypnotherapy has really worked and enabled me to grow!" - Tim Gabie

Natalie Berstrom’s answers to our mental training sessions:

Q: Why did you decide to come for mental training?
A: I was always very anxious, nervous and worked up before my races loosing energy and the race before I even started. Even the slightest of hiccups would make me very negative and I saw everything as a problem and not as a challenge. It was recommended to me to try it and it was the BEST thing I ever did.

Q: How did you experience the first session?
A: The first session I felt a little strange and unsettled, being a little afraid of the unknown, but I had to give it a chance. After the session was over and I listened to my CD over and over, it became second nature to me and I started to change.

Q: What were the changes from the first to the next sessions?
A: The changes where in my way of thinking and approaching races, I seemed a lot more relaxed and not so stressed.

Q: How did the mental training help you to win your World Championship?
A: I went in totally focused, confident, relaxed and ready to win it. There was nothing that was stopping me from winning.

Q: If you hadn’t come for mental training sessions, what do you think might have happened at the World Championship?
A: I wouldn’t have WON World Champs, might not even have started, the training helped me to over come my 2 injuries that I incurred leading up to Worlds. It helped me to tackle the most technical sections without any doubt or hesitation.

Q: Who do you think should come for mental training and why?
A: I would most certainly encourage all top competitive athletes. It shifts your mind into a very strong positive place, makes you focus and approach your event in a calm relaxed mode. It also makes you focus on YOURSELF and YOUR race and not on your competition.

Nedene Cahill’s answers to the same questions:

Q: Why did you decide to come for mental training?
A: After a series of bad races I became very negative and lost confidence in myself

Q: How did you experience the first session?
A: I was quite nervous at first but Andrea was very comforting and I felt positive about the experience

Q: What were the changes from the first to the next sessions?
A: Andrea helped me to visualize the "Perfect Race" and to remain focused no matter what happens. I arrived at the start line in a positive frame of mind and I was so determined to win, nothing was going to stop me!

Q: If you hadn’t come for mental training sessions, what do you think might have happened at the World Championship?
A: It's hard to say, but I think I would've been quite nervous and negative. And there were a couple of times during the race where I could've "given up" and not tried my absolute best!

Q: Who do you think should come for mental training and why?
A: Anyone who has a goal and needs help focussing and staying positive.

How mental training helps to win gold

There are lots of theories how to train the body so that athletes can push themselves harder and to achieve their ultimate goals. Many athletes push themselves to the limit, increase their physical fitness and ability, eat healthily, take all the necessary supplements but don’t achieve their goals. The reason for this is that they have not trained their mind to be in the peak performance zone, they have worries, fears and do not feel confident enough to win a race or an event.

Mental training is proving to be vital for an athlete and is the key between wining or to coming second. The great news is that we can train our minds and brains to perform better.

Nathalie Bergstrom and Nedene Cahill have recently won gold at the Mountain Bike World Championships and explain how mental training with Andrea Kellerman at EQAdvantedge has helped them to win gold.

During their mental training intake-sessions they had to explain what their training and racing consists of, e.g. they had to describe their thoughts, feelings, sleep patterns, what the races were like, what made them feel worried etc. Negative thought patterns, behaviors and believes were then eliminated in a guided visualization session. During that session the conscious mind relaxes and we could work with the conscious mind. The conscious mind is like the policing system of our mind that helps us make conscious decisions. The subconscious mind, that is about 90% of our mind’s capacity, is the part that stores our feelings, experiences, automatic behaviors and believes. When the mind is relaxed, we can work with the subconscious and help to create positive thought patterns and feelings. We can also help the mind to see the perfect outcome of a race or an event, which increases confidence and strength. In the relaxed state, the mind doesn’t know the difference between reality and fiction, which means that the newly created positive outcomes are seen as our new reality and we can repeat them real life. The sessions are taped on a CD and we can shape a permanent behavior and thought pattern change by listening to the CD over a number of weeks.

“I was always very anxious, nervous and worked up before my races loosing energy and the race before I even started. Even the slightest of hiccups would make me very negative and I saw everything as a problem and not as a challenge. It was recommended to me to try it and it was the BEST thing I ever did”, said Nathalie when asked why she came to our mental training sessions.

Nedene on the other hand said that her coach told her to come and that the mental training helped her to stay focused and positive. She had lost confidence in herself as she had a number of bad incidences during races. She was strong and made good progress in her training sessions but during races she would not be able to implement that. Her performance had dropped, she was getting sick more often, worried about her nutrition and felt she wasn’t as strong as she needed to be.

The mental training helped both of them to believe in themselves, to be completely focused, positive and determined.

On the day of the World Championship Nedene was able to visualized the “Perfect Race” and to remain focused no matter what happens. She arrived at the start line in a positive frame of mind and was so determined to win, nothing was going to stop her!

Nathalie on the other hand reported that the mental training changed her in her way of thinking and approaching races. She was a lot more relaxed and not so stressed. At the start of the World Championship she went in totally focused, confident, relaxed, ready and determined to win it. That state of mind was not the norm for her before she started with the mental training. On top of needing to be more confident and focused she battled with two severe injuries, one being a knee injury where she was told they had to operate.

Nathalie reckons if she hadn’t trained her mind she wouldn’t have WON World Champs and might not even have started as the training helped her to overcome her 2 injuries that she incurred leading up to Worlds. Furthermore, it helped her to tackle the most technical sections without any doubt or hesitation.

Both athletes agree that they would most certainly encourage all top competitive athletes who need to stay focused and positive to come to EQ Advantedge for mental training. “It shifts your mind into a very strong positive place, makes you focus and approach your event in a calm relaxed mode. It also makes you focus on YOURSELF and YOUR race and not on your competition.”


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“I came here after a very bad second term. After that term I have been helped to be motivated. The new study methods I have been taught have helped me so much I wish that I knew them ages ago. Since I have been here my confidence has improved and so have my marks!“ - Daniel F

“I really liked the way in which lessons revolved around me and my difficulties in terms of academics. The past papers provided to help reinforce my knowledge and capabilities regarding a specific section.“ - Tyrelle Kasaval

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